Saturday, June 11, 2011


FINALLY!  We chose a venue! I am so excited. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The plan is to get married at Marvin UMC. After the ceremony, we will travel a mere five minutes to Hollytree Country Club. 

When we saw it, it was sectioned off, but the room will be a lot bigger when we get married. It has these really tall ceilings with big wooden rafters. There are two large fire places and a wine cellar. I am really excited! It also includes a cocktail area with a bar and a piano.

Now that the huge decisions are made, I can move on to the details.


  1. I didn't know Brady was with you on this trip! That's good he saw it, too, and you guys made the decision together. Yay!

  2. Yeah! He almost wasn't able to come. We went to the two locations and stopped by his new rent house on the way back. :)

  3. These look so pretty!! Can't wait!
